Tee Major demonstrated the 44 best body weight exercises!
Listed below:
Mountain Climbers
Dragon Walks
Jumping Lunges
Pike Roll Out
Hanging Knee To Elbow
Frozen V-Sit
Spiderman Pushup
Single Leg Burpee
Hindu Pushups
Diamond Pushups
Lawnmower Extension
Archer Pushup
Fingertip Pushup
Hanging Leg Raise
Clapping Pushup
Single Leg Box Jump
Chest Tap Pushup
Archer Pull-ups
Clapping Pull-ups
Crucifix Pushup
Hanging Wipers
Hanging Leg Raise To Lever
One Arm Hanging Leg Lifts
Pistol Squat
L Seat
Muay Thai Pushups
Dragon Flags
Ab Crunch Shredder Dips
Tripple Clap Pushups
Lalanne Pushups
Muscle Ups
Standing Ab Wheel Roll Out
Bodyweight Tricep Extension
One Arm Pushup
One Arm One Leg Pushup
Thigh Slap Pushups
Aztec Pushups
Superman Pushups
Hannibal For King Leg Flutters For Men
One Handed Clap Pushups
Back Flip Burpees
360 Pushups